George Oliver Rogers


Eco-Design Posters 2011



Tree Canopy

Promoting Street Trees: Street Tree Coverage and House Price -- Examines the relationship between street trees and house price and offers suggestions to landscape design. By Lu Zhou, Spring 2011

<Enlarge Promoting Street Trees>


Research of Urban Tree Canopy in Lake Conroe-- Examines lakeside and downtown tree canopy configurations in Conroe, Texas. By Lingyan Miao, Spring 2011

<Enlarge Urban Tree Canopy>


Pattern of Tree Conopy Influencing Neighborhood Energy Use -- Examines the pattern of tree canopy and its relationship with energy use. By Xuemei Li, Spring 2011

<Enlarge Pattern of Tree Canopy>


Contribution of Lakefront Conopy to Property Value-- Examines the impact of Tree City USA program through observing green spaces in urban and community areas. By Yangye Cao, Spring 2011

<Enlarge Lakefront Canopy and Property Value>






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